Analysis of
the coordination of a Major System Change in the Colombian Health System as a response to COVID-19
This study presented six rules to guide health system adaptation in response to Covid-19 and future pandemics, based on interviews with health sector actors in Cali, Cartagena, and Bogota, Colombia. Researchers from the School of Management at the Universidad de Los Andes wrote papers about their findings, and our challenge was to create a digital storytelling to make this information concise, direct, and valuable, directed to non-academic health sector agents.
For six months, we worked with an interdisciplinary team of professionals from the social and health sciences to identify the structure and formats for presenting the information. In other words, we mediated the translation of the technical paper into an explanation for an audience outside academia. For this, we worked with illustrators, designers, and audiovisual producers in the creation of a visual identity and digital storytelling.
Interactive guide: The document shows a diagram of the six rules proposed by the study and accompanies them with illustrations, videos, hyperlinks, and buttons showing examples and expanded information.
Available at: http://bit.ly/guia-msc-online
Major System Change Video: Script, illustrations, animations, voice-over, editing, and montage of a video that explains the concept on which the study was based. We analyzed the key points, wrote the script, and produced the video: illustration, animation, and voice-over.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/embed/c2_LcLV-FFU
Video Inter-Organizational Relations and Intersectoral Coordination: Script, illustrations, animations, voice-over, editing, and montage of a video that explains two of the most relevant findings of the research. It tells and exemplifies the process. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/embed/c2_LcLV-FFU
Presentations about the study: Design and illustration of two presentations that explain the research in detail. Available at:
Landing: Web page containing the digital storytelling and feedback form. Available at: https://mscovid19.uniandes.edu.co/es/guia-y-reglas
Stakeholders and links:
Colombian Ministry of Science with the Mincienciatón call – https://minciencias.gov.co/mincienciaton
School of Management – Universidad de Los Andes with principal investigator Simon Turner, Ph.D. – https://administracion.uniandes.edu.co/profesores/simon-james-william-turner
Tags: Public Policy, Health System, Covid-19, Digital Storytelling, Major System Change.