Urban Storytelling
with researcher Mario Barrero, professor of literature at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Universidad de Los Andes
The proposal for this project was to carry out a joint reading of the novel La Virgen de Los Sicarios (1994) by the Colombian writer Fernando Vallejo, making use of tools from the Digital Humanities field and discourse analysis.
Based on several changes that occurred with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we made a new approach to the novel from a reading focused on emotions (joy, sadness, fear, rage, pleasure, and tenderness), including complimentary pieces of analysis to this historical moment.
For this project, we developed a series of tailor-made methodologies emphasizing interdisciplinarity and co-creation, which gave way to prototyping and experimentation exercises in different media.
DIAGNOSTIC: exchange meetings with the researcher Mario Barrero, which allowed us to direct the subsequent phases.
INTERDISCIPLINARY CONTEXT: interdisciplinary exchange exhibitions that focused on different media and multiplatform digital narratives.
DEVICE PROTOTYPING: first approach to the central theme of the laboratory with exhibitions and early references.
THEMATIC MODIFICATION: due to the pandemic, we redesigned the creative process; this allowed us to observe the change in the professor from the academic researcher role to co-creator of digital devices and his assumption of research as an exercise that may lead to creative work.
PILOT AND TEST: testing of the devices with the Master’s Degree in Literature students at the Universidad of the Andes, with highly positive evaluations.
Web platform
Video Art
Interactive Experiences
Acid noise: video essay and an experimental animation that plays with noise and visuals. http://humanidad.digital/narrativa-urbana/experiencia/acido-ruido/
Emotional reading: a visual proposal that invites the user to write an answer to video fragments related to six types of specific emotions.
Polarity: from the point of view of the comunas (slums) of Medellin, the landscape fades to integrate the viewer in Fernando Vallejo’s thaught.
Grammaticus dixit: in this experience, periphrasis, sentences, and perorations linked to some works of the writer Fernando Vallejo are analyzed, ordering, disordering, and proposing new readings of these grammatical figures.
Emotional cartographies: these cartographies seek to establish a silent dialogue with users based on fragments of Vallejo’s work, challenging visitors to leave a trace of their emotions or sensations.
Stakeholders and links:
Universidad de Los Andes, vice rector’s office for research and creation https://investigacioncreacion.uniandes.edu.co/
Universidad de Los Andes, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Literature.
Professor Mario Barrero, Universidad de Los Andes, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Literature Department
Tags: Literary Criticism, Mario Barrero, Fernando Vallejo, Discourse Analysis, Digital Humanities, Visualization, Interaction, Interactive Design.